Frequently Asked Questions
Before your Tours: Licensing, Pricing, and Setup
We would be happy to send you information or a proposal for a license, and all we need is a bit of information from you. You can click here to complete a brief form, or simply send an email to that includes your name, title, campus name, average number of weekly tours you give on your campus, and any other information or questions you’d like to share.
Our typical annual contract runs for one year using a 52 week schedule that starts with the first full week of July and ends inclusive of the week containing June 30 of the following calendar year. Partial year licenses for fewer than 52 weeks are available with pro-rated pricing and tour counts. They will will be scheduled to end inclusive of the week containing the next June 30. Multi-year licenses are available.
The number of Events you can give with Campus Pro Tours or Talks depends on which licensing plan you choose. There are multiple plans based on the total number of Events you can use each year. Tours don’t expire each week, but they do expire at the end of the contract term and do not carry over to subsequent years. Plans offer 100, 250, 500, 1000, 2000, or 3000 events per year.
As many as you want. There is no limit to the number of participants that can join a campus event using Campus Pro Tours or Campus Pro Talks.
As many as you want. There is no limit to the total number of participants that can join a Campus Pro Tour session during the duration of your contract.
License activation typically happens within 24 hours after the contract has been executed and payment terms have been arranged.
No. Campus Pro Tours is entirely web-based in order to streamline the tour process and keep everything simple.
Pricing is based on the number of events you want each year. Full details are available on our pricing page at
Yes. Multi-year contracts for up to three years of a licensing agreement are available. If a multi-year contract balance is paid in full for all years at the beginning of the contract, the current pricing for the Plan level will be locked in for the duration of the contract. Multi-year contracts paid annually are subject to pricing changes if the Plan pricing changes.
The per campus pricing tiers apply to single, physical campuses where prospective students take an approximately hourlong campus tour. If an institution or university system has multiple physical campuses, each campus needs its own license with pricing determined by its respective Plan based on usage level. For example, the University of Missouri – St. Louis (UMSL) and the University of Missouri – Columbia (Mizzou) cannot share a license, and their pricing will be determined by how many weekly tours they Plan they choose offers.
A single campus license can include multiple programs – such as undergraduate and graduate programs. But if campus tours are coordinated and organized from separate admissions offices, you may wish to have separate licenses for each program in order to simplify administration, guides, and reporting for the different prospective student groups. In the case of having separate licenses for different programs on a single physical campus, pricing for each program would be determined by the Plan they choose and the number of tours they intend to provide.
Campus Pro Tours is a simple, intuitive solution that doesn’t require any implementation training. It’s easier to use than most social media, and the UX for Tour Guides includes a script for briefly introducing Campus Pro Tours to visitors as well as concluding the tour and reminding visitors to complete the brief post-tour survey. Therefore, there are no additional costs, fees, or services needed to get started beyond the annual license price. If you have specific needs or questions related to implementation, please email
At this time, Campus Pro Tours is only available to campuses in the U.S.
For technical support, email support@campusprotours to initiate a help desk ticket. Support hours are 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Central Standard Time in alignment with the schedule when our partners are providing most of their live campus tours.
Technology is always a means to an end, and Campus Pro Tours makes your tours more accessible, memorable, and engaging. Campus Pro Tours doesn’t require you to do anything different with your existing tours except add a small technology layer that seamlessly integrates with what you’re already doing to make a big difference for Visitors, Guides, and Admissions staff.
No. Campus Pro Tours is designed for use with in-person guided tours.
Before your Tours: User Accounts
There are three different kinds of user accounts at each campus: Admissions Staff, an Executive Administrative User, and Tour Guides.
- Admissions Staff User Functions
- View access to all tour data, campus users, tour participants
- Give tours
- Campus Administrator User Functions
- It’s recommended that every campus has no more than 3 people with Admin accounts, and the person who oversees and manages the tour guides (student ambassadors) should have this account because only a Campus Admin can add tour guide user accounts
- Same capabilities as Admissions Staff Users
- Add new campus Admissions Staff and Tour Guide user accounts
- Add information about the campus, such as name and upload logo
- Tour Guide User Functions
- Give tours
- View anonymous, aggregate data from their own tours
As many as you want. There is no limit to the number of Admissions Staff who can have an account on each campus.
As many as you want. There is no limit to the number of Tour Guides who can have an account on each campus.
Anyone with a Campus Administrator User account has the ability to manage user access and accounts at your campus. We recommend that each campus has between one and three Campus Administrator Users who have or share these responsibilities.
It takes less than two minutes for Admissions Staff and Tour Guides to set up their account. When a new user is added by the Campus Administrative User, that new user will receive an invitation email with a link to set up their account. The Campus Administrative User can set up their own account in less than five minutes, as they need to also provide information about the campus such as uploading the campus logo and selecting the campus brand colors that will appear in the Campus Pro Tours UI.
The required information what they would typically share verbally when introducing themselves on a tour: Required fields are: Name, Year in College, Major, Hometown, Home State, and a headshot photo. Optional fields are Pronouns and Activities. With the exception of the user’s Last Name, these details will be available to tour participants during the tour and included on the transcript.
Currently, we only offer account set up through our system. This reduces onboarding friction and ensures we have the most up-to-date information about Tour Guides that can be shared with campus visitors. It takes 30 seconds for a new user to be added and two minutes for that user to set up their account. If you would like to speak with someone from Campus Pro Tours about potential integrations or SSO, please contact
No. Visitors are not able to create accounts, and no account is required to join a tour. Tour Participants join using a QR code at the beginning of a tour, and while they enter a bit of information, no account is ever created for them.
During your Tours: The Live Experience
No. There are no apps to download. Campus Pro Tours is browser-based.
Participants scan a QR code provided by the Tour Guide to join a Campus Pro Tour. Once they’ve joined the tour, every Participant is able to share the tour QR code in case other Participants join the tour late or get disconnected.
Campus Pro Tours is compatible with all widely used mobile browsers.
Currently, Campus Pro Tours is available for live tours narrated in either English or Spanish. Other languages can be made available for partners. When a guide is starting a tour, the guide chooses to start the tour in either English or Spanish. Then when the guide speaks English, tour participants will see the live transcript in English. Similarly, when a guide starts a tour in Spanish, the live transcript will also be in Spanish.
Yes. It’s highly recommended that all visitors at least 16 years of age join the tour for several reasons. The first is accessibility to the Tour Guide’s narration. It’s likely that at some point during the tour every Participant will mis-hear something the Guide says or will want to re-visit something they just heard. In addition, Participants are able to “like,” and take pictures that reflect places and parts of the tour that resonate with them the most. Third, the Campus Pro Tours portal is how they can send a comment or question to the Tour Guide as well as get the Guide’s attention if they want to share a question verbally.
Both! Even though Campus Pro Tours was created to improve accessibility in large group tours where it’s impossible for every visitor to hear everything the guide is saying, the full set of features is highly valuable for tours of any size on campuses of any size because even if there is only one prospective student visitor because the goal is for the tour to be memorable because information and emotions are remembered, not simply heard. So, regardless of the number of prospective students on the tour or how big your campus is, the annotated post tour transcript, map, and photo album helps make the campus visit memorable and personal for visitors while also providing admissions offices and guides with rich insights that help make better connections with prospective students and improve your campus visit programming.
Visitors enter minimal information when joining a tour – less than they typically have already shared when registering for your tour. Participants share:
- Name
- Prospective Student Status
- If they aren’t a Prospective Student, they share the name of the Prospective Student they’re visiting with
- Email address is optional, but must be entered if they wish to receive their personalize annotated tour transcript and tour photos after the tour
- How the campus they are currently touring ranks among their choices
No. All location and audio data collected during the tour use the Tour Guide’s device with their permission. Participants’ microphones and location are never tracked. And any photos Participants take are not accessible to the campus staff or tour guide.
- When the tour is ready to begin, typically at the conclusion of an information session or presentation, Visitors join their Tour Guide and Tour Group in the same way as always.
- When the Tour Group gets to their initial tour “kickoff location,” the guide will open a Campus Pro Tours session and share the QR code with everyone in the group to access on their phone. Participants scan the QR code to join the tour. Depending on the weather, it’s best for this step to take place indoors.
- While Visitors are taking 1-2 minutes to enter their information, the Tour Guide can begin asking each Visitor to introduce themselves. Those introductions are primarily for the Tour Guide instead of others in the Group.
- Once everyone’s in the Group is finished with introductions, the Tour Guide will officially start the tour on their device, which will begin recording the Guide’s narration and the live transcript will begin to appear on each Participant’s device. Because the recording starts after Group introductions, Participants’ names and information won’t be included in the recorded transcript.
- It could be good for the Tour Guide to reintroduce themselves, but it’s not necessary because Participants are able to access their Guide’s first name, pronouns, year in school, major, and hometown within their view. That information will also be included in the header of the transcript even if the Tour Guide doesn’t say it.
All Participants and the Tour Guide are able to easily re-share the QR code with anyone who needs to re-join or join the tour. And even if the visitor has to physically leave the tour, they can keep their browser open to continue seeing what the Guide is saying during the portion of the tour they’re missing.
At this time, Campus Pro Tours translates speech to text and does not transmit audio to Participants’ devices.
In addition to scrolling through the live, transcription of the Guide’s narration, Participants have access to these functions during the tour:
- Likes. Using the heart button when they see or hear something they like. These likes are annotated on their personal transcript.
- Hand-Raise. Using the “hand-raise” button to get their Guide’s attention for raising a question or sharing a need.
- Photos. Photos taken using the Campus Pro Tours portal are not accessible to the campus and are not saved to the Participant’s device. They are sent as annotations with the transcript after the tour. Participants always have the option to open their camera app separately to take photos, but those photos won’t be connected to specific moments on the tour.
- Message. Typing and sending a message or question to the Tour Guide.
- Guide Details. Accessing the Tour Guide’s photo and information (name, pronouns, major, year, hometown).
- Button Location. Swapping the buttons from one side of their device screen to the other in order to accommodate left-handed and right-handed Participants.
- QR Code. Opening the QR code to share with another Participant.
- Exit. Participants can exit the tour at any time
If a Participant cannot continue with the Tour Guide through the end of the official tour, they can still remain connected to the Campus Pro Tours session and follow along with the Guide’s narration. We recommend Participants don’t exit the tour until it’s complete. The Participant’s session will end on their device when the Guide ends the tour, and the Participant can still complete the post-tour survey.
WiFi is not required, but Campus Pro Tours does require a live data connection, either using a cellular data signal or WiFi. Minimal data usage is required, and standard cellular data rates will apply for both Tour Guides and Tour Participants.
Campus Pro Tours is not intended for children under 16 years of age. No one under age 16 may provide any personal information to join a Tour. Campus Pro Tours does not knowingly collect personal information from children under 16.
Campus Pro Tours will continue running in everyone’s device browser until the guide ends the tour or a participant leaves the tour. While they don’t need to look at it the entire time, guides will need to have their device open and display on for their device microphone to stay active for the transcription to continue running during the tour. If either the Guide or the Visitors’ display stops updating with the live narration, be sure they refresh the browser and don’t close the tab. Campus Pro Tours will continue where it left off.
No. But if they are monitoring Campus Pro Tours, it means Visitors are engaged. And in large groups where Visitors are far from the Guide or when it’s difficult to hear for some reason, Visitors should be expected to look at their screens to see what they’re missing. Guides will need to periodically check their device to see if there are hands that have been raised or questions submitted. Typically during a campus tour, Visitors may be starting at their phone for any number of reasons that reflect either disengagement (social media) or distraction (taking notes on their phone about something the Guide said, which means they’re now missing something else the Guide said. During a tour with Campus Pro Tours, when Visitors and Guides are looking at their phone, it’s a sign of engagement. Visitors don’t need to take notes because they’ll be receiving the transcript and can use the “like” button to note things they want to remember.
With Campus Pro Tours, Admissions Staff finally have a way to collect and review the questions asked during guided tours that otherwise wouldn’t be recorded. That helps improve Guide training because you can anticipate which questions are likely to be asked. During a live tour, it’s always OK for a Tour Guide who doesn’t know the answer to a question to say “That’s a great question, and I’ll track down an answer for you after the tour.” And Guides may leave them unanswered in the Campus Pro Tours UI as a way to highlight additional training and follow-up needs with that Visitor.
After your Tours: Insights and Impact
When the tour ends, Campus Pro Tours provides the Guide with a short conclusion script encouraging Visitors to complete the short survey Campus Pro Tours provides for them on their devices. Campus Pro Tours drives much higher post-tour survey response rates because we use very brief pre- and post-tour surveys as bookends for every live on-campus tour. Participants are invited to complete a brief survey that can take as little as 30 seconds. Participants are asked just four questions, only two of which are required:
- Rate the tour (required)
- How the campus ranks among their choices now that they’ve completed the tour (required).
- An open-ended text field for them to share their feedback about the tour. This item communicates to Participants that their feedback will only be shared with the Admissions Staff and not their Tour Guide.
- Email address. If they do not enter their email address, they will not receive their annotated transcript of the tour with their likes and photos.
Participants who share their email address will be sent an email containing a link to their personal annotated transcript with likes and photos. This transcript will be available for 60 days after the tour.
Campus Pro Tours provides two safeguards in the event a Guide provides inaccurate information or the speech-to-text technology mis-translates something the Guide has said. First, every transcript includes a legal disclaimer at the top noting that the transcript does not necessarily reflect the views of the university. Second, Admissions Staff are able to edit tour transcripts to correct any errors. Because the transcripts are accessed as websites, edits to a tour’s transcript will immediately be applied and updated for all tour Participants.
Admissions staff will have pre- and post-survey data from Tour Participants which includes how the campus ranks in the Participants’ choice and how that rank changed from before the tour. Admissions Staff also have access to the overall tour rating, transcript, questions asked, and notations for when Participants liked what they heard. These insights can be used for making more personal connections with Prospective Students, training for Tour Guides, and improvements to tour pathways and scripts.
Each Tour Guide is able to see the transcripts and aggregate anonymized survey and tour data from each of their tours. They do not have access to any personal details about the Participants from their tours
To ensure the highest possible response rates, the post-tour survey is intentionally brief with just two brief, targeted multiple choice items that succinctly summarize a visitor’s feelings about the tour and where the college currently ranks in their mind. Adding additional questions or changing these two risks lowering the response rate. That said, our product management team would be happy to discuss ideas and suggestions with partners regarding potential changes to these questions.
For more information, get in touch with us!

Occurio Solutions, LLC
231 S Bemiston Ave, Suite 850
PMB 34237
Saint Louis, MO 63105-1920
- Email:
- Phone: 855-OCCURIO (855-622-8746)